
Monday, June 17, 2013

Snake that eats the Sun and Moon - Eclipse

There has never been a civilization that has not told stories and we Indians master this ‘art of knowledge’.
Each one of us would have heard different stories from our grannies on this natural wonder “Eclipse”.  The most popular one being, a demon snake swallowing the Sun and Moon J
In addition to these stories they also laydown a weird protocol which mostly demands us
-      To stay indoors.
-      Not to eat or drink before & during eclipse.
-      To take a bath and wash the house clean immediately after eclipse.
Ha ha ha… weird people right; how on earth is our eating and bathing connected to eclipse. :)
It is scientifically known that our earth’s atmosphere / ozonosphere undergo various changes during eclipse.  In short; earth's Pressure, Temperature and Electromagnetic radiations are the three most important things that are impacted because of eclipse.
Hmmm….So what???
Due to these atmospheric changes many microorganisms that float around in the atmosphere tend to die and/or settle down on the surface.  This can be justified by the fact that a large number of small sea animals or fishes die during eclipse.
Where do these microbes settle down…? Yes exactly; on us, our clothes, the food we eat, the water we drink etc… etc…
Also, a sudden change in atmospheric pressure impacts our metabolism and this why some people feel nausea when they travel up / down hill or a flight take off / landing.
Now after correlating these, somewhere in back of the mind the protocol that follows the story does seem to make sense :)

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